Press Release

avodaq AG Again Receives TÜV Certification for Video Consultation Solution CARY Medical

Das Team von CARY Medical vor dem avodaq Empfangstresen
From left to right: Tobias Kusch (Sales Specialist Healthcare Solutions) and Daniel Casado (Manager Software Products) as representatives of the CARY Medical team

Hamburg, 02. September 2024 –  avodaq AG has successfully certified version 2 of its video consultation solution CARY Medical by TÜV IT. A new, modern user interface, the connection to “Krankenhausinformationssysteme” (KIS) via HL7 and the ability to plan stable video consultations with up to 1,000 performers and participants are the most important new features.


CARY Medical is the only solution for video consultations available in Germany that is based on a scalable meeting platform with Cisco Webex and is listed by the “Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung” (KBV). This enables high-quality and stable video consultations to be held regardless of the number of participants. If an organisation already has an existing Webex infrastructure, CARY Medical can be integrated into the existing environment as an “add-on”. With CARY Medical 2.0, separate licence and user management is no longer necessary and existing security policies and login procedures can be used.

Version 2 has also been expanded to include an updated, modern user interface for scheduling, which is optimised for all screen sizes and has an extensive search and filter function.

“We have significantly improved the user experience in the application once again,” says Tobias Kusch, Sales Specialist Healthcare Solutions at avodaq. “Based on feedback from our users, we know that integration into HIS systems using HL7 is essential. And the ability to invite an unlimited number of participants is also a major advantage for the relevant target group. Both are possible with CARY Medical 2.0.”

The renewed successful certification of CARY Medical by TÜV IT proves that data protection-compliant and secure video consultations can be carried out with avodaq’s solution. This enables users to bill their video consultations to the public health insurance companies.

“We want to combine the best of both worlds with CARY Medical: The stability and security of an established video conferencing platform with the high standards of European and German data protection in the healthcare sector. A focus on the needs of these target groups is essential for avodaq,” emphasises Daniel Casado, Manager Software Products at avodaq.

The focus of CARY Medical is on outpatient care. However, due to increased safety requirements, other applications for secure video consultations can also be found, for example, in occupational health consultations, midwifery services and psychotherapeutic care.

Über avodaq

As a Digital Business Partner, avodaq supports companies in digitalising their business processes. By introducing secure and highly automated IT infrastructures, avodaq reduces operating costs and effort to a minimum. The IT service provider drives the digital transformation of its customers through software development, in-depth process expertise and a network of strong partners and manufacturers. avodaq is synonymous with quality and a flair for innovation.
Established in 1997 and still run by one of its founders, the internationally active company employs around 300 people at a total of 11 locations in Germany, the UK, Asia, and the USA. The avodaq Group generated revenue of EUR 76 million in the 2023 financial year.